
Masayoshi Fujita

Masayoshi Fujita is a Japanese vibraphonist, marimba player and composer.

Determined not to stick to traditional styles of vibraphone and marimba, and theory of composition, he seeks his own sound incorporating electronic elements utilizing synthesizers and effectors to add distinctive texture to it.

Inspired by the silence and deepness of the fog, the mountains and the gravity within, His music evokes images, atmospheres, sceneries and stories in the listener, the images that have accumulated in himself.

His recent collaboration with German electronic musician Jan Jelinek received a lot of attention from experimental music fans around the world.

After 13 years in Berlin, Masayoshi recently relocated to a new home and studio in the rural Japanese mountain village of Kami-cho, Hyogo, following his life-long dream of creating music in nature. He creates new music at a studio in a small village on the mountain with the great inspiration from the surrounding and shares it with the world.

Masayoshi is an endorsed artist of a highly regarded Japanese marimba and percussion manufacturer Korogi.

藤田 正嘉




別名義であるel fogでは、様々な実験的アプローチを用いつつ、アコースティックとエレクトロニック及びアナログとデジタルの狭間で、ヴィブラフォンとエレクトロニック・ミュージックの融合を試みている。また、ドイツのエレクトロニック・ミュージックの重鎮Jan Jelinek(ヤン・イェリネック)とも継続的にコラボレーション作品を発表。全世界から高い評価を受け、様々な国のフェスティバルやライブに出演している。



el fog

(vibraphone + electronics)

Under his electronic solo project alias, el fog, Masayoshi combines 

the vibraphone and analogue/digital electronic sound and textured 

noises using divers experimental methods.

Masayoshi first started making his own music as el fog being inspired by electronic music, dub, hip hop, jazz, classic and so on before he got more into the instrument itself and composing acoustic pieces under his real name. 

The name ‘el fog’ comes from ‘electronic fog’, which indicates a part of his aesthetic that he pursues in his works. 


後年よりヴィブラフォンという楽器そのものへ傾倒し本名名義でアコースティックの楽曲を発表していく以前、彼はel fogとして個人の音楽制作を開始。

el fogという名前はelectronic fogに由来し、彼がこのソロプロジェクトで追い求める世界観の一端を表している。